About the Company

We are the Student Housing Experts

We Simplify the Leasing Process

Housing Scout was founded in 2012 by alumni of UT Austin that found the housing search process frustrating and confusing. They set out on a mission to simplify the leasing process. They built a company that takes the hassle out of finding an apartment by combining an extensive online property database with the street level knowledge of experienced leasing agents. While most real estate companies do leasing as a side thought, we specialize exclusively on leasing.

Today, thousands of students use Housing Scout each year to find their place to live. Housing Scout has more than 60 active leasing agents that specialize exclusively in helping tenants find the perfect lease.

Company Facts and Stats


#1 Leasing Company

Thousands of students sign a lease with Housing Scout around the UT West Campus each year.


Comprehensive Database

We partner with a vast majority of available properties around campus.


Trusted Agents

All of our agents are background checked and licensed through the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC).

Access to Available Apartments

Our agents have access to more rental properties than any competing resource, estimated at 98% of all available properties. Landlords prefer working with us versus many other online websites because they only pay us if we actually find them a tenant. Websites like Zillow, Apartments.com, and Rent.com require landlords to pay a fee simply to appear on their database.  This means our clients can lease confidently with us, knowing they found the best property for them!

Zillow 68%
Rent.com 58%
Apartments.com 56%

These statistics were gathered for informational purposes by Housing Scout in January 2020

Meet the Manager

Rene Rivera

Senior Transaction Coordinator

I am the Senior Transaction Coordinator at Housing Scout, where I serve a central role in the company’s operations. I oversee the daily activities within the business and work with our team of leasing agents to help students find their perfect place to live.

I grew up in Eagle Pass, Texas with a large close knit family of seven. I was known as the problem solver, always helping my siblings and friends fix their household appliance or IT issues. Since I moved to Austin, I have worked my way up from an IT role to a managerial position.

I enjoy applying my problem solving ability to improving the way students find their housing around campus. With so many housing options available, many of which are lesser known to students, we have built a company designed to help match students with the best possible place.

We look forward to being an important part of your housing journey!