
Get Started

We Make the Housing Search Enjoyable and Stress-Free

Housing Scout is a Better Way to Find Your Next Apartment or House

How It Works

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1. Share Your Preferences

Share a few details about your housing preferences and our team of market experts will get to work!


2. Tour Your Favorites

Your agent will create a personalized list of apartments that fit your needs and guide you through the touring process, including setting up an in-person or virtual tour of your top picks.


3. Sign a Lease

Once you find the perfect place to live, our agent will guide you through the application and leasing process. We are an unbiased advocate that works for you, not the property.

Get Started

Submit the form below with details regarding your housing preferences. Our staff will reach out to you to discuss your housing options. We will coordinate a contact-less virtual or in-person tour of properties that fit your needs. If you find a place you like, we will assist you with the lease paperwork. Our service is designed to be easy and free for students. We look forward to serving you!

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Step 1 of 3