Where To Make Friends at UT Austin

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It’s hard being a freshman in college, especially in a new town where you don’t know anyone. Especially in an amazing town like Austin, it can help to have a buddy to explore the city and try new things with you. How do you meet new people at The University of Texas Austin? Here are a few ideas to get you started.


Greek Life

There are few things more associated with the college experience than sororities and fraternities. These organizations have a long history in every university in the nation, and UT is no different. The university offers support for students interested in pledging and there are over 60 organizations all with different cultures. You can learn more about how to join here.


Spirit Groups

If formal fraternities and sororities aren’t the right fit for you, you may want to consider UT’s Spirit Groups. These organizations are similar to Greek Life in many ways, but there are some key differences. They are typically a lot less expensive and there are many to choose from. Most revolve around friendship, service, UT sports, and many support charities or causes. The easiest way to find spirit groups to match your personality is to talk to other students and to attend the “Party on the Plaza” fair that occurs during the first few weeks of classes in front of Gregory Gym!


UT Organizations

The University of Texas has more than 800 different organizations on campus. Students will typically join groups based on a shared interest. There are leadership groups, religious groups, organizations for specific majors, and so much more. You can learn more here and find one that fits your interests and long-term goals.


Professor Office Hours

There are a couple more creative opportunities to meet new people on campus. One way is to attend office hours for a favorite professor. Often, multiple students gather to talk with a professor in a more intimate setting and you may meet others who have an interest in the same subjects who can become study partners.


Study Groups

Another way to meet more people is to join study groups. Use the university’s online tool, Canvas, to send out requests for study groups or see who is looking for others to join them. You can also do things the old-fashioned way and talk to students in your class to arrange times to study together. These groups often morph into social activities.


Connect to a Housing Scout Agent

Another way to get to know more people in town is to socialize where you live. The agents at Housing Scout can help you move into a great apartment right in West Campus where you’ll meet so many other people just like you. Get in touch with us today.


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