Back To School Tips For A Successful Semester

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A new year and a new semester at The University of Texas at Austin awaits! If you’re like many students across the country heading back to school after the holidays, some of your goals and new year resolutions for 2022 likely include: getting organized, getting better grades, meeting new people, studying more, saving money, not procrastinating…just to name a few. All of the above are commendable and achievable goals. However, sticking to your resolutions is often “easier said than done.”


So, while you’re at it, how about making this your year of “not giving up!” Here are a few fun and easy tips to implement now that will help keep you on the path of a productive, successful, and enjoyable new semester and overall, new year!


Study Buddies

Joining (or starting up) a study group for some of your more difficult classes can help on many levels. You’ll meet new, like-minded people with common goals and struggles who can help and encourage you along the way (and vice versa). Starting this early in the semester will help give you confidence and peace of mind that you have a good support system in place as some of the more challenging assignments come along. It’s a “win-win” for all involved.



Calendars Rule

As rudimentary as it is, a calendar is still your best bet for staying organized. These days, there are all kinds of high-tech calendar apps to store your class/work schedules and remind you of appointments, assignments, special occasions, etc…Google Calendar is free and perfect for maintaining your schedule. And there’s nothing wrong with a good, old-fashioned physical calendar where you have to actually write things down.


The Art Of Taking Notes

As basic as it may seem, effective note-taking is vital for better comprehension and study habits; hence, a key to better grades. Taking thorough notes forces you to listen carefully while keeping you focused and awake in class. Physically writing things down is a good memory jogger and is especially helpful in classes that have frequent exams or pop quizzes. Invest in some good pens that don’t run out of ink, show up for class, and take great notes! You’ll be glad you did!



Booking It

If you haven’t yet experienced textbook “sticker shock,”  you will! You can potentially save a lot of money by ordering your textbook/classroom materials after your first class unless directly instructed otherwise. It’s tempting to get everything before classes start; however, holding off a bit can lead to opportunities to rent or share materials. Typically, professors will give you one week before readings and assignments are due giving you time to consider other options for classroom necessities.


Get To Know Your Campus

Your UT campus has a wealth of resources available to help keep you safe and healthy, enhance your college experience and assist you with just about anything that is student-related. There are on-campus groups to help you balance your school, work, and social life, serve your campus community, deepen your faith or learn something new. Make it a point to get to know all that UT has to offer. For more information check out:


Battle Hall with fall color and students

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