
Best Ways to Resolve Stress During Move-In

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We are finally here—summer. It’s the time of heat, water, late nights, bathing suits, and long vacations, right? Wrong. It never fails, you end up doing everything but experiencing the summer vacation you prayed for all year long. You ended up getting a job, an internship, you started going back to the gym, you found a new roommate, and you got a new place.

Mid-to-late July to early August is the most popular time for move-outs and move-ins. However, with all of the new things you’ve added to your schedule, moving out of your current apartment and moving into a new place may seem to be the most daunting task. How will you possibly find the time to make it to work, be fit, find new furniture, pack, move, make sure the utilities are set up, sign all of the proper paperwork, and still find time to sleep? Well, I don’t know how to say this to anyone but myself but—YOU HAVE GOT TO CALM DOWN.

If you don’t stay calm, all of the tasks that piled up will never go according to plan because you will be stressing your way through the situation. Luckily for you, we’ve got the most full-proof ways to de-stress during this hectic time.

1) Create a List

I’m sorry to break the news, but you’re not an elephant. I know it’s heartbreaking, but you will never remember everything. Humans naturally overload ourselves with multiple things to do in our ever-moving world. It is common for things to fall between the cracks. That’s why the first thing you should do when it comes to high-stress moments creates a list of the things that need to get done. First, list out all of the things you have to get done. Then, prioritize them. Know what needs to be done first, and let the rest fall into place. Be sure to scratch them off when you’re done with the tasks because seeing all of the items crossed off is the most rewarding feeling ever. Click here for more organization tips for a stress-free move.

2) Do Yoga or Workout

I used to never believe in things like breathing techniques or stretching as forms of relieving energy…then this year happened. I suddenly found myself overwhelmed with being a student, a worker of two jobs, and a protector of my family’s needs. Everything hit me at once, and that same day I saw an ad for a free app called Yoga Academy. It guides you through multiple yoga techniques, it’s super simple and takes less than thirty minutes of your day (depending on which class you decide to do). After doing a class every morning for a week, I found myself not only breathing easier but sleeping better and having loosened muscles.

On the topic of loose muscles. There is nothing better than a workout during stress. Blowing off steam can help anyone feel relief during a high-intense day. Your body naturally needs time to relieve excess energy and what better way to do it than lifting weights or going for a run?

3) Ask for Help

It’s alright if things becoming overwhelming and you need help sometimes. There is always some sort of support system for you, whether it is a group of friends, your roommate, your family, or your friendly Housing Scout agent. Someone will be there to walk you through the process of finding a new place, moving out, and moving in. A sense of community is an instrumental part of being human, it’s important to have a safety net of people around at all times to keep good mental health (and to take part in getting tasks completed).

4) Calm Down

You’ve finally done it. You have completed everything. You created your list, found an activity that could physically relieve you of stress, your agent got you a new place and your friends helped you move, and now it’s time to breathe. Take some time to enjoy the weekend post-move-in. More often than not, people will take off for the day of move-in and go back to a hectic schedule right after. Enjoy yourself. Your friends helped you, take them out to a nice dinner or bar as a reward for surviving the tedious time of change. Try going to a different park or art gallery around Austin if you like the outdoors or culture. Just be sure to stay happy and healthy.

You can do it. Right now, everything may seem miserable, you are probably at your wit’s ends and think that you might as well give up. Don’t. There is always someone, or something, to help you get everything done. So, what are you waiting for? You now know the steps so—go calm down!

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